Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Holly's New Website!

It happened again. I fell in love with another soap character. This one also starts with a Z. The character was Zarf (All My Children) who later became Zoe. This transgender woman was the best character to come to daytime TV since... well... Zander (General Hospital). Kudos to Jeffrey Carlson for giving her such heart and making her so believable! Any other actor would've probably fallen flat. The storyline was very entertaining, but also informative. If you've never known anyone who was transgender, this was a total eye opener! This young woman was born a boy and struggled with trying to maintain the lie her entire life, just to please her family and society. But then she met someone who made her realize that hiding was not going to serve her in life. She came out and it was not an easy transition for her. Eventually she began her life as a woman and was happier for it. I hope that everyone who missed this brilliant storyline will visit my website, Zoe's Journey - I created a bio and a one hour documentary that features clips, musical montages and captions. The highlights of the story are there. Hopefully I captured the essence of it.

Because Zoe has left the show I've been missing Jeffrey Carlson's acting (he better get the Emmy next year!!!). So I'm heading to Washington, DC next month to see him play HAMLET at the Shakespeare Theatre Company. It's an expensive trip, so I'm begging for donations. Visit my site to see what a $20 donation will get you! But every little bit helps!!! Enjoy the video teaser for Zoe's Journey...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Holly ... Thanks for your Zoe memorial ... Great idea ... I hope you make it to Washington to see the play ... I made a little donation. I've seen it twice now -- I live just outside Washington. He's really wonderful in it although reviews have been mixed because his is not the typical brooding Hamlet that seems to appeal most. Anyway, he's terrific. I saw him last Saturday afternoon, the 23rd, and he got through all 3 hours and 20 minutes with the most horrible cold. My heart went out to him, as it tends to do anyway. It seems the 23rd was also his 32nd birthday. Best of luck in making it to Washington and I thank you sincerely, and in advance, for the DVD which I know I will adore. The moment Zoe left Pine Valley so did I. She and Carlson were the only reason to endure AMC ...